
I’ve caught up to Day 24 (only six days left!) of Image and the prompt is to write a poem inspired by anagrams of your name. I’m just going with my first name, Claire, which has produced a few strange combinations I have to say… From these I’ve selected ‘eclair’, ‘lacier’, ‘a relic’ and ‘clear I’. If I use the rest it really won’t make any sense!


Today I pressed my nose upon the glass and sighed and thought perhaps, but no, I couldn’t, definitely wouldn’t venture in / The creamy crisp and flaky flutterings from the light and airy tasty and scrumptiously tantalizing vision of the chocolate-coated queen of sweet delights / The éclair on doily white like lace, not quite like lace but racier, less lacier / It was clear I couldn’t, absolutely would not go in, for this is a relic from the pastry past that dares to dance behind the glass I pass but pass it so I will for the taste of it would make… me… ill /