


Paint pots – smears of azul y rojo, greens and yellows

cluttered onto pages cream


Caterpillar letters crawl across the screen

dust fairies dance

almost unseen

Steam blushes from milky, frothing machines

y sueños

ellos se esapan

Wahrheit hovers

slips unseen, takes with it a 

pear-shaped hole of sweet



Mé fada chun éalú

This is today’s penultimate poetry offering for Day 29 of  Image. The prompt was to write a poem which included at least 5 foreign words, so, if these don’t ring a bell with you… I’m afraid you’ll have to look them up here!

I can’t believe tomorrow is the final day of what has been a pretty epic writing experience for me, as I’ve gone from not really writing much poetry at all recently to suddenly producing 30 new pieces! I’m impressed both at myself and at everyone else who’s taken on the challenge. The prompts, which I decided to stick to the entire way, have definitely helped, although I found that the ones which told you to write about a certain theme were the easiest!

Anyway, I now have a ‘poetry collection’ (be it good or not always so good) and tomorrow… it will be complete! I think I’ll need a rest on the poetry front for a while after that but I’ll most certainly be keeping it going.