5 signs your content needs updated

Unless you’re a start-up business with a snazzy new site, or have content creation down to a fine art, the chances are, your website content probably needs updated.network-212453_1280

In this non-stop digital age, new content is created online everyday – on social media, websites and blogs – so to have any hope of standing out from the crowd, or at least to be in amongst that crowd, you need to be doing the same. At the very least, your website should show recent activity, otherwise today’s web browsers might just pass you by.

From a personal perspective, I prefer to do business with, or buy from, someone who has an active online presence. It shows they recognise the need to communicate with their customers and an awareness of how best to do this, which is increasingly in cyberspace.

So, how do you know if your site needs refreshed content? Here are my top five reasons:

  1. The content was written five, 10, maybe even many more years ago, and has outdated information about your company, as well as outdated/overly formal language
  2. Your sales pages show products you no longer sell/services you no longer offer
  3. Press releases you may send out haven’t been uploaded to your website
  4. The news/events section of your site shows old information
  5. Your business blog hasn’t been updated

These are just a few red flags that show your website needs new and updated content.

Why update content?google-102793_1280

  1. Google loves fresh content – if you update it regularly, you’ll rank better
  2. People want well-written, easy-to-read content that’s relevant – lots of sites that are years old are brand rather than customer-focused
  3. Not uploading press material to your site shows a lack of continuity and people wonder what’s going on when information doesn’t match up
  4. Nothing is more frustrating for a customer/visitor to your site than finding an old news page or sales page – they can’t find relevant information about you and if they want to buy something you no longer provide, then you’ve wasted everyone’s time
  5. Blogs last written a month or more ago make people ask questions. Why have you stopped? Are you still operating as a company? Why can’t you be bothered to engage when your competitors are…?

You don’t want to put anyone off visiting your site, so if it’s been a while since you last had a read through what your content actually says and indeed, how it says it, then maybe now’s a good time to do it.

How to update your content

– Check what pages are outdated – what can you dispose of and what do you want to keep?crowd-sourcing-154759_1280

– Prioritise what your key business message is and how you want to say it

– Know your customer base, so you can create content that will appeal to them

– Create a content strategy for blog posts/press releases/news articles on your site

Ultimately, you’re missing a trick if you haven’t updated the content on your website in the last few years. If your competitors are on the ball and are pushing out regular blogs, articles and updated site content, then your website just won’t get a look-in. You may have a loyal customer base already, but business is about growing – about hooking new customers, raising your profile and giving something back to those who are already buying from you.

With so much more out there in cyberspace, you have to make sure you have something to offer your customers that compels them to stay.