Whether you read newspapers, skim articles online, share Facebook posts, click on Twitter links or – read books! – the bottom line is: stories sell.
When you’re thinking about creating content for your website, blog or anything else, it’s important to consider what story you want to tell. You’re not there to explicitly sell anymore – people expect more these days, and they’re only a click away from moving on to the next site.
So, what makes a good story?
– Authenticity: Most people can sense when you’re holding back or being untruthful. My advice? Stick to what’s real.
– Not over-selling: You can over-sell anything, so tell your story, but don’t go OTT or you’ll lose your audience.
– Being original: Unfortunately, not any old story will do. Few will want to hear a version of the story your competitor posted a week ago. It’s tough, but there’s little point in rehashing something that someone else has already covered unless you have something truly unique and new to bring to it.
– Using your voice: If you talk to your readers/customers in a frank and genuine way, then they’ll more easily connect with you and be drawn into your story.
The next question is – what’s the story? But that’s a blog for another day 🙂