Why spelling matters!

We’ve all received emails from busy people who have hit ‘send’ without spell-checking icon-287145_1280their content. If it’s a personal email, it doesn’t matter quite as much (unless you’re a stickler for correct spelling!), but in business, typos can really pinch.

In fact, a single spelling mistake can cut online sales in half.

Don’t believe me? Check out this BBC article.

social-349523_1280There are many other instances of this being talked about online, with official statistics showing poor spelling essentially equals poor sales. So, why are companies repeatedly making such a simple mistake with their written content?

In today’s increasingly digital economy, the bulk of business is often done online. This means that more and more, how we interact with consumers is via the written word. When customers visit your website, research shows that you have a six-second – yes, that’s a six-second – window in which to capture their attention. Typos immediately lower your credibility and guess what? The customer clicks on to another site…

Poor spelling suggests that:

– Your business isn’t professionalspam

You don’t care enough about your customers to take the time to spell-check

– You may be a scammer or fraudster (think of all those dodgy spam emails you receive and then think about how many of them are riddled with typos…)

If you want to boost sales and present your business as the credible company it is, then it’s very easy to ensure a good online presence. Simply put, a professional copywriter/editor will ensure such mistakes never see the light of day, but here are a few top tips in the meantime.

Simple spelling tips:button-156770_1280

1. Check all spelling yourself after writing an email/blog post etc. Read it at least once before hitting ‘send’ or ‘publish’!

2. Don’t rely on automatic spell-check… This might spell something correctly but use a word you don’t want, or it might switch to the American spelling.

3. Let someone else give your writing the once-over – fresh eyes always pick out mistakes more quickly.

4. Hire someone to create your copy in the first place, or to proofread it once you’ve written it.

Spelling is such a small thing when it comes to business success, but it’s the little things which can have the most impact and online browsers just won’t take the time to linger on your site if it’s riddled with typos. By making sure your content is well written and perfectly spelt, you immediately raise your chances of a sale. 🙂