Blogging: Personal vs business

The internet is awash with all kinds of blogs, but when it comes to business blogging, there are a few key differences between this and personal blogging. Want to know more…?blogging-428955_1280

As a writer in my spare time as well as my professional time, I also have a blog separate to my business here, which charts my progress as a short story writer and poet, as well as documenting my experiences at workshops and events. However, it’s quite different from my business blog at Claire Savage Editorial – and here’s why.

– Business blogs should be useful to your audience. Personal blogs… well, there’s no pressure.

– Business blogs should share something new with your audience.

– Business blogs require refinement, finesse, tips, facts and so on.

quoteWith any type of blog, you can choose your preferred style and change things about as you wish. However, with so much content online, when it comes to business blogging, there should be more effort to make your posts sing. Whether you adopt a formal or informal tone, your business blog should bring something to the table.

Personal blogs are often treated as online journals and that’s great, but to do the same with a business blog can be a mistake. So when it comes to creating your content, know your audience and always think twice before posting!

Email me at: if you need any help with your business blogging 🙂