Earlier this month, LinkedIn announced that more than one million members had now published on their networking business site. Never before has it been easier to create content that has the potential to reach a huge audience and, despite the continued overuse of images and info-graphics online, when it comes to generating leads and establishing yourself within your field, the written word quite literally says it best.
Now, don’t get me wrong – I too use images and I love a good info-graphic – but words carry a weight and a power that nothing else can. You can get a punchy overview of something from an info-graphic; convey a quick message with a strong image, but to get to the nitty-gritty of what you’re about, writing is a must.
You can read more about LinkedIn’s thoughts on the 1m members published phenomenon here, but I’ve picked out a few little nuggets of information for you as well.
Did you know…?
– 45% of LinkedIn readers are in the upper ranks of their industries: managers, VPs, CEOs etc.
– The average post now reaches professionals in 21 industries and nine countries.
These are just two key advantages those posting on LinkedIn have experienced to date. Add to that newspapers and magazines picking up on stories shared and exposing you to an even wider audience, more customers and clients resulting from the exposure and a way to hit it home that you know what you’re talking about and well, you might ask – why isn’t everyone posting content?
Are you?
Of course, posting on forums like this is never quite enough however. You must also interact – share posts from other people, comment and so on… It involves taking the focus off yourself and engaging, which can seem like a lot of extra work for a lot of people. LinkedIn points out: “The best posters are starting conversations.”
It’s certainly something to think about. Crafting well-written content (yes, it has to be well-written and like I always say, bring something to the table that’s of use to your audience) takes skill and time, but in the end, it always pays off. Whether you choose LinkedIn as your platform, blogging on your website or posting notes on Facebook, there are many ways to increase your reach, and the very best ways always involve writing.
Who knew…? 🙂