Quick tip for sharing content

cloud-709095_1280If you blog for your business or for personal pleasure, then you’ll know that once your blog post is hung neatly upon your site, your work is not yet done. That’s when the sharing begins.

With some exceptions, most people, particularly at the beginning of their blogging journey, often feel reluctant to self-promote. How much is too much? When should we do it? What platforms should we use for sharing?

The simple solution is to get others to share your content for you, although first, they’ve got to be aware of it. So, knowing your audience and being active on social media is key. After writing your fabulous blog post, it’s time to let your followers know about it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and elsewhere. People expect this sort of sharing, so don’t worry. You don’t want to over-sell though, so why not let a handy little tool called ‘Click to Tweet’ take over?

twitterThis free online tool allows you to pull out key quotes within your content, highlighting them so that when visitors read something they like, all they have to do is click on the quote to tweet it directly. As a result, your blog post will be exposed to a larger audience, and… you didn’t even have to do anything!

There are many ways to get people to share your content – by asking them directly, by hinting, by doing likewise with their content and so on. Making your content easier to share by using tools like Click to Tweet however, will make the process a whole lot easier, and will increase your audience reach with a simple click.