Creating customer-focused content

If you’re constantly creating content for your business but feel you could be getting better results, then consider this – is your customer at the heart of that content?brand storytelling

As a copywriter, I work with a wide range of businesses, writing content for everything from blogs and brochures, to websites, brand journalism articles and more. Whether I’m writing for a construction company, beauty business, local service provider or anyone else, however, a big part of my job is about getting to the core of what a business is really about. Communicating this in an effective way to their target audience is the next step – and it isn’t always done in the way that they’ve been used to, or expect.

So – what does it mean to keep your customers at the heart of your content?

Simply put, it’s all about seeing what you write – be it on a website, in a brochure or in any other promotional content – from the customer’s perspective.

You might be the best at what you do but at the end of the day, the customer wants to know what that means for them.

You’ve probably heard people talking about selling benefits over features (I think I’ve mentioned this myself a few times too!). This just means that you need to use your content to show the value of what you sell, rather than waxing lyrical about how good you are at it.

As a copywriter, I sell copywriting services, yes, but that in itself isn’t necessarily appealing to a client. Heck, most people still don’t even know what ‘copywriting’ means, so if I’m always telling people I’m a copywriter, they either look at me blankly or they think it’s to do with copyright law… (it isn’t – it’s content writing).

Here’s what I actually sell (the benefits of content writing):

– Professionalism– quality content written by a copywriter projects a more professional image for any business, ensuring customers view them in the best possible light.

– Increased leads/sales – the reason your beautifully designed website isn’t generating leads is down to the content you have on it. Quality written content created by an expert copywriter will change that, boosting your online visibility, driving people to your site and giving them the info they need when they get there.

– Time – I save businesses a lot of time by writing their content.

– Confidence – I help businesses become more confident in their brand by creating compelling content which works for them.

– Control – clients feel more in control of their content knowing they’ve given the creation of it over to someone else – and that what’s being produced is good quality.

– Focus – clients can focus on what they do best within their business, which ultimately makes them happier in their work as well.

– Satisfaction – quality content that connects with customers will drive more people to a website and to the business, resulting in more leads.

If you focus on the benefits of what you do when writing content, rather than simply highlighting your personal achievements, then customers can clearly see why they should hire you. They’ll understand how your business can help them, without having to read between the lines, or sift through a lot of jargon to get that information.

We all know the customer matters most, but we often forget that when it comes to crafting out copy – we think ‘me’ when we should be thinking ‘you’.

Adapting your content to keep it customer-centric however, will ensure that you – and your customers – get the most from it.

Email Claire at: to get your website working better for your business.