
Image It is day 19 of my poetry writing extravaganza and it is therefore (according to the powers that be…) the day of the personal ad. (Flip!)


Someone who listens and someone who cares

Someone who goes for it – someone who dares

Creative and charming, with a heart full of sun

Honest and kind – who will help anyone.

Short and sweet and probably longer than an actual personal ad! How do you cram everything in?! Anyway, it has been an incredibly busy week – both at work and in attending events – so poems for the weekend will be written as usual on the correct days but posted on Monday (my internet access is poor at home – I should have explained this before. Comes from living at the tip of Northern Ireland!)

I will also have news of another trip to the City of Culture, as I will be attending the following with a fellow children’s writer (just the Lynne Reid one) on Sunday afternoon:
