
‘Still’. One small word. One diverse collection of many words – Chelley McLear, Poetry in Motion Co-ordinator.

This is the tag-line to the second poetry anthology – entitled Still, and inspired by the same theme – which has just been published by the Community Arts Partnership (CAP) and funded by the Arts Council Northern Ireland. It is a collection that I am delighted to be a part of, having been selected as one of the poets included in the book, launched earlier today at the Black Box in Belfast.IMG_2202

Over the past year, inspired by the various writing events and workshops and courses I have attended, I have steadily developed and concentrated upon my creative writing and indeed, come round to the fact that, yes – I am a writer and a bit of a poet and there’s no reason not to admit it. You certainly don’t have to be published to be as such, but it is really rather nice when it does happen. What’s more – it’s different from seeing your name in print on a journalism piece – just as brilliant, but different. IMG_2203A poem or a story you have created and aren’t simply reporting, means that much more and particularly then, when someone deems it good enough to be printed – it means a lot.

So, today, I declined and then promptly changed my mind about reading my poem to the assembled audience of fellow poets (I may never get this chance again!). Everyone was there to support one another, I was the fourth up (which helped) and, well, once on stage, you really couldn’t see anything, thanks to the great bright lights and the darkened space of the er, Black Box.

I read it, I enjoyed it and I fear I have developed a taste for it…

River starsIMG_2199

Liquid light, scattered

each iridescent pin-prick of space

in space drowning.


Winks of dying fire,

celestial performance poets

caught half-alive in reflected refraction.


A depth of possibility.

Death re-played on a window of water

blackened by a bashful moon.


Diamonds in the airIMG_2200

hung softly in sleepy, silent dark

and still,

no ripples to swallow their dance,

or dull the romance of a river

dressed in stars.