Incubating ideas

The art of losing isn’t hard to master;

so many things seem filled with the intent

to be lost that their loss is no disaster’               – ‘One Art’ by Elizabeth Bishop

Following my last post, I have been determined to set aside those things which prevent me from being creative – to ‘lose’ them, if you will. And… I have done it with varying degrees of success. The ‘day’ job is an obstacle for anyone (unless you’re lucky enough to be earning sufficiently from being a stay-at-home writer!), but I am glad to say that notes have been scribbled, books read and films watched, so creativity is being reclaimed from the day-to-day drudgery, despite unexpected circumstances rearing their ugly heads!

Another boost to my creative instincts came this week from learning that one of my short stories is to feature in the debut publication of the new online short story journal, The Incubator, along with a book review, so that was certainly cause for IMG_1626celebration. I am attempting to write one short story a month and so far, this has been happening, so getting positive feedback about one of them helps the process along. I mean, I’d write them anyway, but it’s nice to know I’m producing readable work…

I have subsequently taken more time this week to incubate ideas for my writing – with regards to poetry and prose. Words may not always ink the page, but ideas are constantly being planted and left to seed slowly in the mind. There is much to be said, I think, for creative thought without action. Sometimes, thinking is enough, for now, until the ideas flourish enough to be committed to visible form.

That said, I must away to think some more, read some more and perhaps… maybe even breathe some life into my imaginings…