Poetic experiment

Image Day 12 of NaPoWriMo has challenged us to:

“write a poem consisting entirely of things you’d like to say, but never would, to a parent, lover, sibling, child, teacher, roommate, best friend, mayor, president, corporate CEO, etc.” (This is inspired by Charles Bernstein’s list of poetry experiments).


What if?

What if I told you, you should always be here

What if I said, without you, there is fear

What if I spoke out the words never said

What if I talked to you, told you instead

What if I smiled, not frowning or cross

What if I showed you the deepness of loss

What if I hugged you and told you I care

What if I voiced what I just never dare

What if I spoke of your twinkling eyes

What if I said they were like a sunrise

What if I said that you’re funny and kind

What if I said, you’ve a wonderful mind

What if I spoke of how brilliant you are

What if I said that to me, you’re a star

What if I stood up and said all this stuff

Would you believe it – would it be enough?


I should also mention that I will be posting poems 13 & 14 on Monday again, along with poem number 15 and a little weekend update, as I’m meeting with a writer friend at The French Rooms in Bushmills tomorrow to chat about all things writing related!

[pic by Geraldbrowne]