Weekend poetry

ImageThe weekend saw NaPoWriMo challenge us to write a ‘serene and observational’ poem inspired by a walk, with the following day (day 14) prompting with a ‘persona poem’, perhaps in the voice of a hero or a villain…


A walk observed

Soft silence

ebbs and flows on a tide of bubbling birdsong

shrills and trills and twitterings – those invisible voices which linger by the sea.

A shot of bob-tailed white

flushed from fresh grazing into cover of brush with newly nestled buds

brimming with spring-filled hope.

Crunching cobbles mesh with minutia of sand

pressed clean by an ocean now dutifully lapping the shore

An illusion of innocence kissed by morning sun.

The tang of salty, slippery seaweed

greedy gulls squabbling, dancing in the gentle gusts 

of cool




In morning hours I rise and wake

and hope and pray,

for everyone’s sake

My dress is smart – overtly so

it’s just to let the people know

That I have stature, well, some at least

it helps to make them think I feast

For I am respectable – I toe the line

I always turn up – and I’m always on time

They see me once, they see me twice

the lucky ones, they see me thrice

As day to day I work about

the city streets and help them out

(All quite discreetly by the way

and at night as well, not just by day)

Oh, they all seek me – the rich and poor

the mademoiselle and of course, the monsieur

But I am elusive when I take to task

I am one often seen, but my face wears a mask

Say it loud, say it clear – let them all know I’m here

I will take back the streets and return what is dear

Oh yes, I’ll ring their bell and I’ll give them all hell,

For I am the great Scarlet Pimpernel!

Poetry is my continuing theme this week for, along with my daily NaPoWriMo updates, I will be heading to the City of Culture (L’Derry) on Thursday to enjoy a talk and reading from poet and playwright, Mr Lemn Sissay…Image

Meanwhile, Tuesday evening will be given over to my poetry class with El Gruer, whilst the weekend brings with it a masterclass with children’s author Lynne Reid Banks, also at the VAC, which I will be going along to with a similarly minded writer friend. (ok, not poetry but still, very exciting!)


[flower pic by: Jean-Jacques Milan]