Day 15 marks the halfway point of NaPoWriMo and today’s prompt suggests writing a ‘pantun’. This apparently consists of rhymed quatrains (abab), with 8-12 syllables per line. (I’m learning a lot about poetry this month!)
As the NaPoWriMo people say… “The first two lines of each quatrain aren’t meant to have a formal, logical link to the second two lines, although the two halves of each quatrain are supposed to have an imaginative or imagistic connection.
“The associative leap from the first couplet to the second allows for a great deal of surprise and also helps give the poems a very mysterious and lyrical quality.”
Well, I’m not quite sure I’ve managed the mysterious but my attempt is as follows…
Peach painted patterns stain the silk
she wears it gracefully – graciously
My glass appears half-full of milk
I sip it slow – ostentatiously