John Hewitt Summer School!

Following on from my jaunt to Carnlough for Cherry Smyth’s creative writing class in May, which was part of the John Hewitt Spring Festival, I decided to apply for the bursary for the 2013 John Hewitt Summer School in July. Having perused the programme for the School the past few years, I had never yet […]


I appreciate that this might not be the most exciting photo in the world to share, but the message behind it is, because I have finally posted my book submissions! Having finished writing my novel at the turn of the New Year, the time since has been spent re-drafting, editing, proof-reading and then going back […]

Up in the eyrie!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of chatting with NI writer Damian Gorman in the lofty heights of Belfast’s brand new arts venue, The MAC, where he dispensed some words of wisdom on the art of writing a synopsis (!)… As The MAC’s most recent Artist in Residence (he finishes this week, having been there since March), Damian […]

My Liebster nominations!

 [photo credit: It’s Great To Be Home] Ok, my nominations for the Liebster Blog are as follows: Anyone who wishes to accept the nomination can answer the questions from me below (linking back to my blog) and then link to 11 new blogs they […]

Liebster Nomination

Many thanks to zeelikestowrite for nominating me for my first ever blog award!  [photo credit: It’s Great To Be Home] I’ve seen these on other blogs but never expected to be nominated for one myself, so it’s much appreciated. I now have to answer the 11 questions put to me by my nominee and then put forward the […]

The Writer CV & the Hamely Tongue…

Having supposedly eradicated my feelings of doubt about the fairly descriptive opening to my book and replacing it with a more active sequence, the week since has been filled with wondering whether I should have left well enough alone! Does anyone else find this when they make major changes to their work? They love it […]

Polishing Prose

 Despite the appearance of some much-needed summer sun at the weekend, this writer managed to squirrel herself away in a suitably shady spot to refine her work and all I can say is – it only goes to show that even when you think you’ve perfected and polished your words to a brilliant sheen, sometimes, […]

Exchange Place Review

 Unfolding in the shifting streets of Paris and  the familiar backdrop of Belfast, ‘Exchange Place’ nips neatly between the two capitals in this intricately written story. With short, punchy chapters and precise, beautifully crafted prose, Ciaran Carson delivers a well paced and intriguing novel which weaves deftly together the tales of John Kilfeather and John […]

Glorious Gulls

A little nature writing piece on Sky Pen about gulls… [pic by Robert Eliassen] FacebookTwitterGoogle+BufferPin It


 Ever since I finished the first draft of my novel I’ve been constantly revising and re-writing and editing in between going to all these brilliant local writing events, doing the day job and keeping up with everything else that we all have to do throughout the day. In short, it’s been hectic and there are […]