Identifying tourist segments for marketing… it’s what I said I’d cover in this next blog and so I shall – with all details that follow sourced from those who know best – the tourism professionals. If you haven’t read my last blog, then that’s the people from Tourism NI and Tourism Ireland, along with Causeway Coast […]
If you work in the tourism industry or indeed, have a business in Northern Ireland, then you’ll be interested to hear what the tourism chiefs were talking about up at the north coast last week… Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council (CCGBC) hosted a conference at the Causeway Hotel last Thursday – the first organised event, […]
On October 15, the Digital DNA Conference kicked off at the Titanic Centre in Belfast, bringing businesses together to hear about the latest digital developments and how they can help us. After a quick detour in the morning to my Entrepreneurial Spark interview (read more of that here!), Claire Savage Editorial joined the assembled crowd, […]
Just over a year on from launching Claire Savage Editorial, I’m delighted to announce that the next phase of my business development will be ‘hatched out’ with a little help from the Entrepreneurial Spark team. Yes, Claire Savage Editorial is moving into Belfast’s very first Hatchery, which will house up to 80 other local businesses and offer dedicated space for these […]
It may be a year past in July when I struck out on my own as a start-up business, but for various reasons in the initial setting up phase, I worked under the radar for the first couple of months, only ‘coming out’ as a business as it were, last September. So, while July 1 […]
If you blog for your business or for personal pleasure, then you’ll know that once your blog post is hung neatly upon your site, your work is not yet done. That’s when the sharing begins. With some exceptions, most people, particularly at the beginning of their blogging journey, often feel reluctant to self-promote. How much is […]
Copywriting for websites – it’s one of my key services and yet often, potential customers need convincing that (a) they need better content and (b) that they should pay someone else to write it. Here’s why good writing matters I write all my online content for clients incorporating keywords to enhance SEO. However, SEO aside, […]
I recently took part in a Twitter business hour (#nistartupshour), which dedicated an evening to giving tips and advice on websites. There were a lot of questions about a lot of things, including SEO content and blogging, so I’ve decided to do a brief post on a few dos and don’ts when it comes to […]
Earlier this month, LinkedIn announced that more than one million members had now published on their networking business site. Never before has it been easier to create content that has the potential to reach a huge audience and, despite the continued overuse of images and info-graphics online, when it comes to generating leads and establishing […]
The internet is awash with all kinds of blogs, but when it comes to business blogging, there are a few key differences between this and personal blogging. Want to know more…? As a writer in my spare time as well as my professional time, I also have a blog separate to my business here, which […]