We’ve all received emails from busy people who have hit ‘send’ without spell-checking their content. If it’s a personal email, it doesn’t matter quite as much (unless you’re a stickler for correct spelling!), but in business, typos can really pinch. In fact, a single spelling mistake can cut online sales in half. Don’t believe me? Check out […]
As businesses, whether we sell globally or stay local, if we have a website, then the world can see it. If you want to be a successful business, then you’ll want to be found online and as much as a brilliantly designed site will wow people once they get there, you want to make sure that first, […]
Following on from last week’s post, which looked at the power of stories in marketing your business, I thought that this week, I’d share a few tips about finding those stories. Storytelling in terms of PR has become a bit of a buzzword in recent years. Marketing people love buzzwords, but in reality, the use of stories […]
Whether you read newspapers, skim articles online, share Facebook posts, click on Twitter links or – read books! – the bottom line is: stories sell. When you’re thinking about creating content for your website, blog or anything else, it’s important to consider what story you want to tell. You’re not there to explicitly sell anymore […]
Content management is extremely important for any business. Be it a blog, online article, social media updates, web copy or anything else, staying on top of your content is key. Most businesses that enjoy successful marketing campaigns have specific content management strategies in place. They know exactly when they need to post content, what that content will include and who’s […]
If you want people to read your business blog, you’ve got to edit. The most successful bloggers are those who: – Create great content – Keep it concise – Make it easy to read – Post regularly Once you’ve written a blog, most people immediately hit ‘publish’. They might give it a cursory read-through first […]
As a copywriter, I often get asked to ‘throw a few words together’ – to write a paragraph on a particular topic, or to pull together 200-300 words of content. When you’re presented with the end result – which can sometimes be, as requested, a single paragraph – it can sometimes be difficult to convey to a […]
Unless you’re a start-up business with a snazzy new site, or have content creation down to a fine art, the chances are, your website content probably needs updated. In this non-stop digital age, new content is created online everyday – on social media, websites and blogs – so to have any hope of standing out from the crowd, […]
There’s no two ways about it – blogging boosts your profile online – but just what is the best way to blog? How do you do it, people often ask me? What’s it all about? How do you find the time/topics and so on and so on. Having blogged once a week for over two […]
If you’re a business with a website, then you’ll probably have heard the term ‘SEO’ bandied about. You’ll probably also have a strong opinion on this and may like the fact that the latest ‘word on the street’ says that SEO has had it. Hmm, somebody had better tell Google then. There’s an interesting article with a […]